Collectively.Thinking – August 2021

Aug 31, 2021

I hope everyone is safe in their bubbles – including those who are now allowed to have takeaways and barista coffee!

Welcome to the first edition of Collectively.Thinking, where we round up articles and stories from the previous month that we have found interesting – relating to industrial relations, business, human resources and the economy.

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1.  DHB Nurses and Midwives

August started with further strike notices from the NZNO nurses for their DHB agreement, and DHB midwives represented by MERAS also took a series of 8-hour strikes for their bargaining. Both of these actions were withdrawn when the nationwide lockdown was announced.


2.  SkyCity introduce new Sustainable Wage

SkyCity, Unite Union and E tū, have agreed on what they have termed a sustainable wage. A minimum of $23/hour effective from 1 December 2021.


3.  FIRST Union Food Made Fair campaign

Off the back of the investigation into supermarket pricing, FIRST union have launched their Food Made Fair campaign directed at companies in the supermarket supply chain. The key employment issues that they are focusing on are living wages and job security.


4.  Tips for collective bargaining by video

Being thrust back into lockdown in the middle of bargaining led me to thinking about how best to bargain via video, and when to put it on hold. I have penned an article with some tips and watch outs.


5.  Simon Sinek Workshop

I have been following Simon Sinek for a while now, and this led me to attend one of his workshops last week – “Start with Why”, which was about unlocking your own ’why’. Really interesting discussions with people attending from all over the world – my partner was from Nigeria, currently living in Sweden! My ‘why’ statement is still a work in progress 😉


Anna Holmes is a collective bargaining and industrial relations specialist extraordinaire. For the past 15 years she’s worked with companies of all sizes both here in New Zealand and Australia.