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Collectively.Thinking – August 2022

Collectively.Thinking – August 2022

August has been quite the month.  In an attempt to try and group all the activity that has been going on, I have broken it into a couple of different categories – current bargaining, current strikes...

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Collectively.Thinking – July 2022

Collectively.Thinking – July 2022

Here we are having finished off July.  Mid-winter holidays and illness may have dampened some of the activity, but we still heard from timber workers, radiation therapists, bus drivers and a victory...

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Collectively.Thinking – June 2022

Collectively.Thinking – June 2022

That’s a wrap on the first half of the year.  This month, there’s some industrial action and settlements to note, Fair Pay agreements are in Select Committee, our economy has officially contracted...

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Collectively.Thinking – May 2022

Collectively.Thinking – May 2022

Wow!  May has been a bit nuts when I look at this summary.  There have been a few things bubbling away over a sustained period of time, and enough going on in the health sector to get it’s own...

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Collectively.Thinking – April 2022

Collectively.Thinking – April 2022

Three short weeks in a row lead to a reduction in activity, so less to report on than usual.  However, there were a couple of significant announcements – the announcement of the 2022 Living Wage,...

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Collectively.Thinking – March 2022

Collectively.Thinking – March 2022

Poof - and that’s the first quarter gone already!  End of Financial Year for many and time to consider the environmental pressures affecting our people for the rest of the year.  Here is a summary...

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Collectively.Thinking – February 2022

Collectively.Thinking – February 2022

Well February kicked off with a bang!  We’re staring down the barrel of some crazy industrial relations activity this year – like a perfect storm.  I don’t normally plug myself in this newsletter...

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Collectively.Thinking – January 2022

Collectively.Thinking – January 2022

How are we in February already?!  Two short weeks in a row have thrown off my timings.  January was quite quiet by way of industrial relations activities, however there are a few things brewing...

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