Well February kicked off with a bang! We’re staring down the barrel of some crazy industrial relations activity this year – like a perfect storm. I don’t normally plug myself in this newsletter...
Our Thoughts
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Collectively.Thinking – January 2022
How are we in February already?! Two short weeks in a row have thrown off my timings. January was quite quiet by way of industrial relations activities, however there are a few things brewing...
Collectively.Thinking – December 2021
Happy New Year! I’m not quite sure where to start with a summary of December. In amongst the silly season chaos, there were a number of significant IR events that occurred – Business NZ turning...
Collectively.Thinking – November 2021
After a slow start to the month, November has actually proven to be quite busy from an industrial relations perspective. There have been several ongoing negotiations that have boiled over in the...
Collectively.Thinking – October 2021
Welcome to this edition of Collectively.Thinking, where we round up articles and stories from the previous month that we have found interesting - relating to industrial relations, business, human...
Does the 8-hour workday still exist?
With Labour Day fast approaching, I always reflect on the origins of this and whether they are still relevant in today’s environment. This is something that I consider every year, however this...
Collectively.Thinking – September 2021
Welcome to the second edition of Collectively.Thinking, where we round up articles and stories from the previous month that we have found interesting - relating to industrial relations, business,...
How long does bargaining take?!?!
“How long does bargaining take?!” exclaimed one exasperated operations manager as we were closing out a meeting and booking in the next. I shared his frustration because had we been meeting...
Collectively.Thinking – August 2021
I hope everyone is safe in their bubbles - including those who are now allowed to have takeaways and barista coffee! Welcome to the first edition of Collectively.Thinking, where we round up articles...